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CY_BORG Combat Tracker

Tool that tracks combat for the ttrpg CY_BORG.

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CY_BORG is a ttrpg, similar to DnD, with cyberpunk elements. I like to be the GM (Game Master), but keeping track of NPC combat data for each instance in either spreadsheets of documents is extremely tedious. So, I solved this problem by creating a combat tracker in Unity.

Completely made using GUI elements, I developed a system that spawns NPC stat cards from a dropdown menu. It keeps track of basic stats, plus holds full descriptions from the game's rulebook. All of the base game's characters are available, plus the ability to add custom NPCs.

Using scriptable objects, I've made a template that can be expanded as needed.

I've since shared it with the game's community, and it has seemed to help users who are facing similar issues.

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