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Pixel Passage (Game Jam)

A 48 hour game jam where we tried to make a 2D Metroidvania style game.

This game jam was a delightful experience. A couple classmates and I were looking into participating in a game jam over the summer, and Kenney Jam 2023 seemed to pique all of our interests. It's a game jam where you build using only Kenney website free art assets. The theme this year was "exploration", so I suggested making a Metroidvania. I already had some prototypes laying around because of my interest in the genre, and pre-exsisting code was fair game.

I mostly worked on the character controller, pickups, UI, and scene managment. I also helped a bit with level and sound design. We were only on a 3 person team, but that made communication and source control a lot easier. The biggest things I learned was about how physics materials worked, was well as platformer concepts like "cyote timing" and "jump buffering". Some of those weren't learned until we had already submitted the game. However, that is why feedback is so important to any project.

Overall, we released a very solid project for the amount of time we had. This a project I would love to return to and tinker on.

Link To Project:

Project Gallery

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